
Sunday, December 30, 2012

What's pink and fluffy and takes off all your makeup? Why, it's a Nima Mitt!

makeup remover mitt

And what exactly is a Nima Mitt I hear you ask? Don't act like you're not even a little bit curious! The Nima Mitt is an Irish (woo, Irish!) eco-friendly (extra woo for eco pals!) makeup removal mitt brought to us by Nima Brush - you remember them, right?

So it's already clear that I'm a big fan of this brand and their wonderful products - so much so, that I was telling everyone about this little gem having only seen it in action once! As soon as my own came through the door, I literally couldn't wait to take my makeup off! And that's not something I say very often!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bargain Alert! 25% Bia Beauty "Feed your Face" Gift Set!

Well it's safe to say that not only are we Irish pretty creative, we're also damn generous too!
It's my stupendous pleasure to bring you a second amazing Irish brand with an incredible offer - just in time for Christmas!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bargain Alert! Nima Brushes 20% Off

You'll thank me for this. 

NIMA brush are a newly launched (since October) Irish brush company from Dublin make-up artist Niamh Martin. Many an Irish blogger are falling hard and fast in love with these, the brightest brushes in Ireland.
Now, I could go on and on about how lovely these brushes are, and I fully intend to, but I'll keep this short as I have some very exciting news to get to.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Wish list

Christmas Wish list

Christmas Wish list by lisa-san featuring satchel handbags

If I was to try and list everything I'd like for Christmas in a perfect world I would have a list miles and miles long. But a girl can dream - and this is what my dreams look like!


Monday, December 10, 2012

#NOTD December 10th

I'm quite in love with this colour - I hope the colour is clear. It's Blush by e.l.f. A gorgeous light copper/gold colour with a slight rose-gold look to it. Rose Gold is most definitely one of my favourite colours of all time. I ordered this little baby on an #ELFnight with fellow nailvarnish-addict Avril (an ELFnight is a night where we drink wine and impulse buy on a number of months ago. If memory serves me correctly, it was Avril that came across this little gem, both of us ordered it (I also ordered Copper, equally as shimmery might I add) but sadly both polishes remain largely ignored until a few days ago.

With a busy week of events to attend, I trawled through my stash for something striking, on-trend and something that would go with as many outfits as possible. I had painted my thumbs with Copper, but I didn't do a very good job so that didn't last long. But I loved Blush so now I'm rocking an all over, shimmering rose gold nail on every finger.

To say I'm obsessed is an understatement. As far as I'm concerned these nails will go with anything - and can't see myself changing them any time soon ...

What are your favourite metalics this season?

Lots of love

Friday, December 7, 2012

7 Days of Skincare - Day 6 - If it ain't broke ...

You skin has been acting up, you happen upon a product that finally seems to make a difference. All is well and happy and shiny. Then why, oh why would you stop using it?!

We've all been there, you get caught up in a special offer, you read a review somewhere or some shiny packaging catches your eye and your old reliable gets left by the wayside. This happened to me with Nivea Soft