
Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Nupo Diet, 5 Days in

Cup holder fail ...
Dieting while on the move is a challenge to say the least...

Day 5, the second day in work while on diet really started to test me. I need to learn how to spread out my meals (read: shakes) to sustain throughout the day better as I'm trying to keep the soups for dinner but I'm also on the move a lot. When I would have dinner is when I'm mid-commute home.

So the last two evenings I've found myself more tired and hungry and I'll admit it, cranky.

You need to look after yourself when you're on a diet, this I've learned. Life doesn't have to stop, but you need to give it due consideration. Going to bed at a reasonable hour. Listening to your body when you're hungry and when you're just bored. Drinking enough water (I think I'm averaging 2.5- 3 liters a day) and not pushing yourself too hard. Stress is affecting me more, but I think that's more of my own personal disposition rather than the diet itself.

Now, with the midway point firmly in my view I have to admit I'm feeling rather smug and really quite pleased with myself. Cheating? I've had a few crackers (48 kcal each) with my soup on some occasions. I've eaten a 90kcal Special K bar in place of a 99kcal Nupo snack bar in work. When Granny was over I ate a salad and lots of veg in place of the soup to avoid any awkward conversations.

Also I couldn't resist weighing myself ... I needed a pick-me-up, ok? I think I'm down a little over a pound, I should be clearing 2lb by the end of the first week. Re-sult.

I know a few of you are on the diet bandwagon, how are you getting on?


Go back to Day 3                                                                                                                See days 7-10

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