The lighter your skintone the more likely you are to experience some redness, us Irish gals are terrible for it.
My skin flushes at the slightest thing. Heat, tiredness, alcohol, spicey food - anything. Ever since I was little I have memories of my cheeks getting warm being asked to read something in class, or generally going bright read in almost any situation. In my mind, I feel like my face is always flushed. (Mental tomato face you may say...) For this reason, I wear medium coverage foundation and avoid any blushes that are too pink or red toned. It's almost a fear at this stage, having had it pointed out to me enough times ... yeah, thanks for that by the way
Redness is also a sign of sensitivity - your skin reacting to its environment. So in covering the redness, in an ideal world you'd want to be treating your skin's sensitivity so, hopefully, it's less likely to react.
We all know about opposite colours canceling each other out - so anti-redness products are generally green, and unfortunately they're often quite caky. The problem becomes covering the redness while maintaining the natural look of your skin and avoiding the zombie-look.
La Roche-Posay Rosaliav UV - yes, it's green but don't be scared! |